reason, season or a lifetime

2 min readJun 14, 2023

people come into your life either for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

after going to college, i’ve lost touch with a couple friends and gained a couple more. it’s unnerving to be formal and nervous with someone you once met every day for ten years and suddenly be more comfortable with someone you met 10 months ago.

being in touch is actually a lot more work that it seems, in the first few months everything seems easy, a facetime a week, done; a group chat biweekly, done. as time passes and we get more set in a routine, it slowly transitions into “aye sorry yaar, can we do tomorrow ? to shit bro i fell asleep, long day” and suddenly those weekly calls are monthly and then you just chat and then those become occasional too. you see your daily role in their life getting replaced by someone else just like you replaced them.

i’m also not great at initiation, so it is more than partially my fault too. but it’s also something that you cannot really force but sometimes you have to get back on, start a bit awkward again and get rid of the cobwebs.

with some friends, it’s so easy man. a couple of texts here and there. some occasional conversations but when you meet, the vibes the energy it’s all great and fresh. in some ways, it’s everchanging because as we evolve our group also evolved but somehow we still manage to be on the same page. one of my really core girls is like this but man when we meet, we have so much to catch up on and share, it makes meeting even more fun.

and then we have laundry friends, the ones you call when you're doing stupid mundane daily tasks. the calls where your guard is down and you're just talking no filter required. the kind of calls you make time for and fit into your daily life. these stupid somehow meaningful conversations always make me a little less anxious and a little more at home.

anyways to end this ramble, what i’m trying to say is that when you transition from one phase of your life to another, you will lose some lovely people and you will gain some even better. keep the ones you call during laundry close and never let them go.

there are people you meet in your life who are simply just meant to be a part of it, cherish them.

here's to friends who’ve become family < 3

you know who you are and i love you

